Sunday 3 July 2011


Hyperventilation (In English Version)

Definition :

A condition of breathing, too quickly during resting time. This will result in carbon dioxide concentration in blood decline unawares and become lower. Meanwhile, oxygen concentration will rapidly increase suddenly.

Patofisiologi :

Breathing that quick result in carbon dioxide decrease of pressure in artery and Ph increase arterial blood.

Reasons / Etiology

1. Agoraphobia.
2. Panic attack.
3. Anxiety.
4. Pain.
5. Medicines - Salicylates, analleptics and adrenaline.
6. Metabolism increase - Pirexia and hipertirodisme.
7. Asidosis metabolism.
8. Anoxia.
9. Tuberculosis - Atelektasis, pneumothorax.
10. Hipotension.

Diagnosis :

Provocation test - Breathe by quick that intentional will be giving symptom that same and breathing in plastic bag or paper will be rehabilitated  such as as usual.

Treatment :

1. Give information well-defined.
2. Convince patient.
3. Teach patient ways calming self and emotion.
4. Breathe in Plastik bag or paper beg for stabilize the concentration.

Author By, G Theibban Gopalasamy
Assistant Medical Officer

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